What We Used... And Why

We have seen that most parachutes are shaped either like a circle, rectangle, or spiky circle shape. We decided to cut square, rectangle, and circle shapes for our parachutes. Most parachutes are made of a heavy-duty woven nylon fabric, sometimes coated with silicone, acording to a fabric manufacturer.  Considering our limited resources, we decided to make our parachutes from tec-type fabric and wax paper.

Parachute Basics

According to Webster.com, a parachute is a device for slowing the descent of a person or object through the air that consists of a fabric canopy. Wikipedia says a parachute is a device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag. The point of a parachute is to reduce the speed of a person or object, in this case, an egg and let it fall back to the ground safely. Rockets, skydivers and toys all use parachutes, to name a few. Parachutes do this by creating drag, as mentioned above. Drag is a force that slows down motion.

Parachutes-Keep It Safe!